Monday, February 28, 2011

Conflict, Hardship, and Revolution

It has been quite the roller coaster ride in class lately learning about the hardships and conflicts and in Africa. We began learning about apartheid in South Africa, traveled to a tribal conflict in Rwanda, and ended discussing the atrocities that are occurring in the Darfur province of Sudan.

Many students were shocked and touched by the images they saw of the suffering in Darfur. The more people know about what has gone on there the sooner it may stop. The more we learn about others mistakes the less likely we are to repeat them. Here are some links you can check out that gives more info, news, and ways to help in Darfur.

Daily Darfur News
Save Darfur
New York Times- Sudan

Our next project will focus on the current social and political revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. There are exciting changes that have recently taken place and are currently taking place and we will be researching news articles, first hand accounts, and video footage online.

As these revolutions were said to have been organized via social media we will be blogging about the experience on a new program to Manor Middle School called gaggle. The service will be open to students as long as we have it and allows students to email, blog, video search, and social network. There are also other features such as online document storage that we will be exploring over the next couple of months.

I'm very excited to explore these changes in the world and try our new online tools. Here are some links if you want to check out the news on your own.

Tunisia Revolution
Egypt Revolution
Libya Revolution/Conflict

Viva la Revolucion,
Mr. Hanson

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We are moving along with our new culture region, Africa. Last week students learned about South Africa and it's oppressive apartheid history through assignments and watching the movie Invictus. I hope students enjoyed the experience, and learned a little more about world history.

This week we will finish out our government type presentations (sorry about the delay) as well as a map showing some physical features on the continent of Africa. Following that we will research some conflicts in the history of Africa which will lead in to some current conflicts in the Northern region.

To get a background on what is currrently going on in Northern Africa and the Middle East you can research the following links.

The people in these countries have either overthrown their dictators and monarchs or are demanding their government be changed. The people want to be in control; the people want democracy and a limited government.

Stay up on your news, and I'll see you in class.

Mr. Hanson