Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

For the most part we had a very successful Thanksgiving culture day. Thank you, and your parents, for making that happen.

I've received countless compliments on your Road to Revolution posters and can't tell you how proud I am of the job y'all did. My students continue to go above and beyond my expectations and it makes me very proud as a teacher. Keep up the good work.

Enjoy the break, but if you get the itch, feel free to complete the last extra credit assignment based on the Republic of Fredonia. I had zero turned in, but I know many of y'all want extra credit. So, get it done.

See you in 10 days!

Mr. H

Monday, November 14, 2011

Extra Credit- due by Friday 11/18!

After several requests for extra credit I decided to put some on before Thanksgiving Break. I'll put another assignment on for during the break for those interested.

For this week:
Research the Republic of Fredonia and do a 200 word essay on it. Include a hand drawn/constructed flag of Fredonia on the back.

This small, short lived republic is a launching point for what will become the Republic of Texas. It illustrates the lack of understanding between the Mexican government and the Anglo settlers at the time.

Essays WITH flags need to be turned in on Friday by 3:30.

Mr. Hanson