Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Extra Credit- Due by 12/21/12

Mayan Calendar

Our current project is all about researching the Mayan calendar and finding out about this ancient civilization. While there is no written portion of this project, you may turn in one for extra credit. This report will replace up to three daily grades with a 100.

Simply write a one page paper telling me about the Maya. You'll need to make sure and answer all five of the questions from the imovie research project.

Papers are due by 12/21/2012, if we're still around. :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Government Extra Credit

With a presidential election on the horizon it is important to understand your choices when voting for a candidate. We will be researching the two main candidates in our next project, but for extra credit I would like you to interview a family member and collect information.

Keep your report ananymous, but I want you to ask a family member who is old enough to vote (>18) the following questions. Record their answers on a piece of paper in complete sentences. Each interview will be considered for extra points.

1. Will you vote in the upcoming election? Why or why not?
2. What issues are most important to you in this election? Why?
3. What advice would you give me for when I start voting in the future?
4. Do you think it's important for me to vote in the future? Why or why not?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Natural Disasters Extra Credit

Our next project will focus on natural disasters and their effects on humans and the environments. With a growing world population natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes affect more and more people.

Extra Credit- Personal Interview

Conduct an interview of a family member that has been affected by a natural disaster. You will display this interview in a text question and answer format along with a picture of the person. Interviews need to be typed and include the following questions/answers:
  • What was the natural disaster?
  • How did it affect you? 
  • How did it affect other people? 
  • Is it still affecting you?
  • What advice would you give someone that was about to go through the same experience?
You may email the Q and A paper and picture to me if you need me to print them out.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to 6th Grade 2012-13!

Another year has started at Manor Middle School and we are excited to have a great group of new 6th graders starting up. Check this blog for extra credit throughout the year. Here is your first opportunity.

Decorate the World
Students will create a map or picture of the world using any artistic means they would like. Pictures need to be at least the size of a piece of paper but I would prefer a poster sized picture. You can paint it, color it, make a collage, or even macaroni art. Posters will be hung in the hallway for decoration.

Pictures are due no later than September 21st.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

End of Year Survey

Please take a moment to fill out the survey to help in planing for future Teaxs History classes. Thanks for your help.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Last Chance Extra Credit

As we draw to a close on this 7th grade year I must say that have really enjoyed discovering the history of Texas with all of my students. This graduating class of 2017 is truly unique and has been a wonderful experience to teach two years in a row. There are many bright students, but most of all everyone has a great attitude; something you don't always encounter in middle school. Keep up the good work, and keep on smiling.

San Antonio Collage (

For the final extra credit project I'd like for you to create a collage of your favorite historical events or places in Texas. You may use a poster-sized backing and use pictures from my Texas magazines in class, the Internet, or create a drawing/painting of your own. You can even look in to ordering tourism magazines from specific places (come see me for help).

The collage should show a timeline of events and be of high quality. This will be something I want to hold on to for a while, and something that you can come back to my room and see years later. If you'd like it back at the end of the year, I'll understand. All extra credit is due by May 25th.

Thanks for a great year, and who knows. You never know, maybe you'll have me for another class some time down the road. If not, feel free to come by and say hi anytime.

Mr. H

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Future of Energy- Extra Credit

With new gizmos and gadgets coming out every year and our unquenchable thirst for transportation, energy use in the United States is at an all time high. The only issue is, much of the world has caught up with our lust for consumption causing widespread pollution and issues with supply. Fossil fuel costs are rising and supplies will one day run out.

There are many ideas for renewable and alternative energy sources in use and on the drawing table. Wind plants have sprung up on the plains and solar farms can be found scattered across the West. With the constant demand, there must be a change in means or our current system will one day meet it's end.

Research an alternative energy source discovering the process and the possibilities of it in the future. Develop a poster that can be hung in the hallway. Include short reports and illustrations. Credit will be based on your overall report, ranging from a replacement daily grade to a replacement major grade.

Poster are due no later than April 20th.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ongoing Extra Credit

Just a reminder...

We currently have two extra credit assignments available in class. Below is a list of both. Contact me with any questions.

Daily-Current Events Report
Choose an article from an Upfront Magazine in class that is at least two pages and write a report based on it. It should include a summary of the article and editorial comments (your opinion). Reports must be at least 150 words long. Due by 3/9.

Major- Texas City Report
Write a report on a major Texas city explaining it's significance, both historically and currently. Essays must be 400-600 words and include a map of the area. Printed guidelines have been posted in the class room and copies are available for you. Essays that meet criteria will be entered in a state wide contest and may be awarded prizes in addition to extra credit grade. Due by 3/3/12 in class or via email.

Monday, February 6, 2012

History- You Decide

How do we decide what makes "HIStory"? What gets taught? What gets forgotten?

Create a one page lesson about an event that has happened during your lifetime that might be taught in the future. decide what you think is an important event in Texas, United States, or World events. Examples could include:
- 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks
- War in Afghanistan
- Arab Spring (recent revolutions in Middle East)
- Japan Tsunami

Create a background story, include a printed or drawn picture, and provide three 'assessment questions' at the end. You must tell about the cause of the event, location, and effects (100 word minimum).

You can create up to three lessons for three separate replacement 100's, or 10 extra points on a major grade. I will accept them until next Friday, 2/17.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Extra Credit Due 2/3

We're moving right through Texas' History and will begin discussing the Civil War next week. This war is the bloodiest in our history, and some battles were even fought right here in Texas. With Americans fighting Americans, this was definitly a dark time in our history, but also an important one to learn about.

For extra credit this week create a brochure about the Civil War. Instructions for each section are below, and this assignment will be worth two replacement grades or 30 extra points on a major grade. This is a great opportunity to bring up your grade.

Brochure Instructions
Front Cover: Title page
Inside First Page: The Two Sides: The Union and The Confederacy
Inside Left: How the War Began
Inside Middle: Major Battles
Inside Right: America Reunited (how it ended)
Back: Name, Period, Date

*The brochure must have color and illustrations on every page! You may do it by hand or create it on the computer, your choice. You can email it to me if you do it on the computer.

If you need clarification let me know. I can draw up a quick example for you. Again, this is due next Friday, February 3rd.

Mr. H

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy New Year!

We've started back with our discussions about the new Texas Republic and will soon discuss the annexation of Texas to the US and the issues that came with that.

Today we talked about the philosophy of nonviolence and your take on the issue. We'll finish up our writings Tuesday and discuss good composition habits again.

For extra credit, research one of the following important people of the Civil Rights Movement in the US. Write a short report (100-150 words) on their life and philosophies for extra credit. It will be due next Friday (1/20).

- Martin Luther King, jr.
- Malcolm X
- Rosa Parks
- W. E. B. Du Bois

Let me know if you have any questions.

Mr. H