Monday, February 27, 2012

Ongoing Extra Credit

Just a reminder...

We currently have two extra credit assignments available in class. Below is a list of both. Contact me with any questions.

Daily-Current Events Report
Choose an article from an Upfront Magazine in class that is at least two pages and write a report based on it. It should include a summary of the article and editorial comments (your opinion). Reports must be at least 150 words long. Due by 3/9.

Major- Texas City Report
Write a report on a major Texas city explaining it's significance, both historically and currently. Essays must be 400-600 words and include a map of the area. Printed guidelines have been posted in the class room and copies are available for you. Essays that meet criteria will be entered in a state wide contest and may be awarded prizes in addition to extra credit grade. Due by 3/3/12 in class or via email.

Monday, February 6, 2012

History- You Decide

How do we decide what makes "HIStory"? What gets taught? What gets forgotten?

Create a one page lesson about an event that has happened during your lifetime that might be taught in the future. decide what you think is an important event in Texas, United States, or World events. Examples could include:
- 9/11 World Trade Center Attacks
- War in Afghanistan
- Arab Spring (recent revolutions in Middle East)
- Japan Tsunami

Create a background story, include a printed or drawn picture, and provide three 'assessment questions' at the end. You must tell about the cause of the event, location, and effects (100 word minimum).

You can create up to three lessons for three separate replacement 100's, or 10 extra points on a major grade. I will accept them until next Friday, 2/17.