Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Comparing World Religions

Recently we have been discussing the major world religions that originated from the Middle East- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Combined they are followed by approximately half the world's population and continue to grow in numbers.

In class our stated objective for this unit was as follows:
"Compare and contrast the three major religions of the Middle East region- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam."

For extra credit, complete a 200 word essay comparing and contrasting the three religions.
Use your graphic organizers (chart and triagram) from class to complete the essay. Essays should be neatly written or typed and have minimal grammar and spelling mistakes to receive credit.

Credit will be given in the form of two replacement daily grades. Essays are due no later than Wednesday, March 6th.

*Students that were not part of the Religious Celebrations project are not eligible to complete the extra credit. They were required to do the essay as a replacement grade for the project.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cultural Differences- Extra Credit

As we learn more about the Middle East region and the cultures that inhabit it we may find many differences between our lives, beliefs, and traditions. As I've encouraged in class, go in with an open mind and try not to let bias get in the way. From time to time, however, you may feel opinionated about an event or custom we discuss.

Read the following article. It is about a young girl in Pakistan attempting to go to school and speak up for her right to an education. Some people did not agree with her and caused her harm.

An Attack in Pakistan

What is your reaction to the article? Write a 100 word editorial describing your opinion of the matter. Site specific information from the article including the girls name, the country this happened, and the situation that occurred. Your editorial will be worth 20 points added to your lowest test grade. The editorial is due no later than Friday, February 22nd.

*An editorial is an opinionated article, usually a response to an event.