Tuesday, September 8, 2009

September 8, 2009

Full Speed Ahead...

We are well underway with the 2009-10 school year and I am seeing some very positive traits in my students. Thank you for all the hard work at home as homework assignments are being turned in at very impressive rates.

This week we will discuss latitude and longitude and begin to plot hurricanes of the past. Other subjects will also touch on hurricanes, which will be our theme for a couple of weeks. Maybe we can even track a current one should it brew...

Friday we will have a test over map vocabulary and latitude/longitude. Students will have vocabulary manipulatives, or 'flippers' as I like to call them, to study with.

Extra Credit Assignment

Students have the option of creating a globe for the classroom. The globe should be at least the size of a grapefruit and light enough to be hung from the ceiling. Students may use any materials they wish, but the globe must be constructed, not store bought. All globes must be colored and labeled with the continents and oceans. Some ideas for materials include foam, paper mache, or ballons.

Assignments must be turned in by Friday, September 18th. Completed assignments will give the student a free 100 that will replace their lowest daily score, or 10 points added to their lowest test average. Here are some links to help:




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