Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tutorials and Extra Credit

Just a Reminder...

Tutorials are daily in my room during lunch. I have created new passes that are available on the front pin board for you to take with you and use to get out of the cafeteria. You don't have to come to my room for help, you could also use it as a quiet place to work, read, or work on a project with a friend.

I also have three MacBooks that are available for student use. Feel free to come up here and use them for anything school related.

Tutorials are Friday morning in the library as well. Ms. Burnham or myself will be in there to help with projects, homework, or concepts you are having trouble with.

There has been little to no effort on extra credit, so until there is a demand I will not be posting extra credit projects. I will, from time to time, be posting daily grade extra credit. Here is an example that will get you a free 100:

Click on the following link and follow the directions. This link will take you to a GoogleDoc, an online version of Microsoft Word that you can use to create, share, and edit. You will be able to edit the document and save your changes. We'll use this in class in the future for projects.

Click Here for Google Doc

Mr. Hanson

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Revolution, part dos

Just wanted to check in and give you links to documents that haven't even been passed out in class yet! Hot off the presses!

First, the format for your compare and contrast paper.

Second, here's the format for the declaration.

And last, here is the power point with the graphic organizers and vocabulary.

Happy Revolution-ing!!!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Revolution is upon us here at MMS!

For our next project we will be creating our own revolution and declaring independence from the US. The assignments for this project are as follows:
-Written Declaration by group.
-Speech given by group.
-Compare and Contrast report on limited and unlimited governments by each person.

For a copy of the entry document and rubric click here.

Stay tuned for more information and links to helpful websites!

Mr. Hanson

Friday, October 8, 2010

Market Days

We are knee deep in the ever so popular project Market Days and I'm seeeing some speed bumps for the Market Days report. A rough draft of your report is due next week. To access the powerpoint that we went over in class click this link. It will take you to a GoogleDoc version of the same powerpoint that we went over in class and that is now hanging on the back wall.

Don't forget, your product has to be finished by Thursday 10/14. That is Market Day. If you have no product you won't get to participate and you will receive a zero for the day. I've seen some great ideas and work in class so I am very optimistic about the outcome.

Leave a comment if you have a question or email me at chris.hanson@manorisd.net.

Mr. Hanson